Monday, September 19, 2011

"No one manages to write better without teachers"

            When thinking about revision in writing, I realized it is true that only the author can decide when a draft becomes a final draft. As a future teacher and a writer, I want to teach my students how to write to the best of their ability. However the concept of revision is a hard one to teach. Throughout my high school and even college career, I was so proud of every word I wrote and I didn't want to get rid of any of them. When I saw those red marks on my papers it was unsettling, so I can understand how students feel when it comes to revision.
          As a teacher you must also not mark every line with commas and other grammar corrections or else your students will feel like their writing is completely wrong. I think you must chose a certain aspect of their writing to focus on. You should either focus on content or just a few grammar mistakes. It is hard because you feel like it is benefiting them, but in the long run it is only stunting their writing ability.
          In Is It Done Yet, the author tells us that as teachers we must teach our students to find their errors themselves. The students should be able to recognize the parts of speech and make sure the topic is being addressed correctly. In order for the students to be able to revise their writing themselves, we must practice everything from nouns to punctuation, spelling, and forms of writing. It is essential that as teachers we allow our students to become self sufficient with their work.

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