Monday, September 12, 2011

My View of Writing in The Classroom

          My name is Dinamarie and I am an English Education major. I would love to be a teacher in one year after completing my masters. Hopefully the job market opens up for teachers. Writing is crucial to English because it is a really good method of expressing oneself. As a kid I wrote journals whenever I felt like something needed to be said, but no one could know about it. Then once I learned to write poems and short stories, I began to write all the time. It really amazed me how creative I could be. During my teen years I was a more shy person and I wrote my ideas down as my form of expression.
         In the future I want to teach my students how powerful writing can be, but I also want them to know how important it is to learn how to write correctly. I would love to teach a creative writing or a poetry writing class because I feel it is a great tool for not only expressing yourself, but for getting a job one day in any field. In high school students are thinking about colleges that require essays. Sometimes the colleges require multiple essays and I want my students to be able to write these essays. As teachers we shouldn't just teach kids how to write for the state tests because they will never learn how to write any other forms of writing. Also you might never know just how good one of your students is at writing a scene of a play if you don't allow your students to practice and read all different types of literature and writing.
         I also believe that reading is the key to good writing. The more you read with your class the more your class will not only enjoy writing, but will understand more components of writing. I hope that when I become a teacher I can empower my students to love writing just as much as I do.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you that reading helps people become better writers. Half of my writing style I've learned from other authors I've read over the years. I wish that I was introduced to more creative writing classes in high school, because then maybe I would have a greater passion for writing like you do. I feel that it is an English teacher's job to try and promote not only a love for writing and literature, but to also stress the importance of both in our everyday lives.
